Latitude: 7.1' .05" N  x  Longitude: 171' 23" E

Inaugural Race - December 14, 2003



Of Interest

Mieco Beach Yacht Club Burgee

  Welcome Aboard!

The Mieco Beach Yacht Club, Majuro, Marshall Islands, would like to say a very special “Yokwe” and “Welcome!”

Majuro and the Marshall Islands is the perfect place to sit out the cyclone season as we have lots of fun and activities each season. We hope to help make your time here in the “Pearls of the Pacific” a great and memorable experience.

Mieco Beach Yacht Club (MBYC), on the beautiful tropical Lagoon of Majuro Atoll, offers pristine diving, snorkeling, swimming, kayaking, fishing, skiing, sailing, and power boating all within palm tree lined sandy beaches with lapping warm crystal clear ocean water.

The Club was founded in late 2003 by a group of cruisers and a resort manager for two main reasons: To give the cruisers ‘something to do’ when they are in port and not visiting the outer atolls, and to attract yachts to Republic of Marshall Islands (RMI) for sponsored racing.

The Club promotes yachting in RMI with an emphasis on having fun activities both on and off the water utilizing Sponsor’s facilities for meetings, docking, and MBYC entertainment. Click on the ‘Sponsors’ button in the left margin - Your patronage is invited.



Entry Procedures for Visiting Yachties

Paul Allen's
Octopus visits RMI 
Click Here
for Story


Republic of
Marshall Islands





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